Package-level declarations


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class MutableReceiverOptions<K, V>(props: Map<String, Any> = mutableMapOf())
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class MutableSenderOptions<K, V>(props: Map<String, Any> = mutableMapOf())
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fun ReceiverRecord<*, *>.acknowledge()

This function acknowledges the processing of the ReceiverRecord by committing its offset.

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suspend fun ReceiverOffset.coCommit()

This function commits the ReceiverOffset suspending the coroutine until the commit operation is complete.

suspend fun ReceiverRecord<*, *>.coCommit()

This function commits the ReceiverOffset of the ReceiverRecord suspending the coroutine until the commit operation is complete.

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fun <K, V> kafkaReceiver(options: MutableReceiverOptions<K, V>.() -> Unit): KafkaReceiver<K, V>

This function creates a KafkaReceiver using provided receiver options.

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fun <K, V> kafkaReceiverFlow(options: MutableReceiverOptions<K, V>.() -> Unit): Flow<ReceiverRecord<K, V>>

This function creates a KafkaReceiver and converts it into a Flow using provided options.

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fun <K, V> kafkaSender(options: MutableSenderOptions<K, V>.() -> Unit): KafkaSender<K, V>

This function creates a KafkaSender using provided sender options.

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fun <K, V, T> CoroutineScope.kafkaSenderChannel(options: MutableSenderOptions<K, V>.() -> Unit): Channel<SenderRecord<K, V, T>>

This function creates a Channel for SenderRecord in the CoroutineScope using provided options.

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fun <K, V> KafkaReceiver<K, V>.receiveAsFlow(): Flow<ReceiverRecord<K, V>>

This function is an extension function for KafkaReceiver that returns a Flow of ReceiverRecords.

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fun <K, V> receiverOptions(options: MutableReceiverOptions<K, V>.() -> Unit): ReceiverOptions<K, V>

This function provides ReceiverOptions using provided options.

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fun <K, V, T> KafkaSender<K, V>.send(upstream: Flow<SenderRecord<K, V, T>>): Flow<SenderResult<T>>

This function sends records upstream as a Flow using the KafkaSender.

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fun <K, V> senderOptions(options: MutableSenderOptions<K, V>.() -> Unit): SenderOptions<K, V>

This function creates SenderOptions using the provided configuration block.