Package-level declarations


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val defaultObjectMapper: ObjectMapper


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fun <T> Flow<T>.asJsonNode(objectMapper: ObjectMapper = defaultObjectMapper): Flow<JsonNode>

Converts a flow of objects into a flow of JSON nodes, using the provided ObjectMapper.

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fun <T> Flow<T>.asJsonString(pretty: Boolean = false, objectMapper: ObjectMapper = defaultObjectMapper): Flow<String>

Converts a flow of objects into a flow of JSON strings, using the provided ObjectMapper.

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inline fun <T> Flow<String>.asParsedJson(objectMapper: ObjectMapper = defaultObjectMapper): Flow<T>

Converts a flow of JSON strings into a flow of objects of the specified type, using the provided ObjectMapper.

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inline fun <T> Flow<JsonNode>.asValue(objectMapper: ObjectMapper = defaultObjectMapper): Flow<T>

Converts a flow of JsonNode objects into a flow of objects of the specified type, using the provided ObjectMapper.

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inline fun <T : Any> Flow<ByteArray>.parseJsonArray(objectMapper: ObjectMapper = defaultObjectMapper): Flow<T>

Converts a Flow of byte arrays, representing a JSON array, into a Flow of parsed JSON objects of a specified type.

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inline fun <T> Flow<ByteArray>.parseJsonLines(objectMapper: ObjectMapper = defaultObjectMapper): Flow<T>

Converts a Flow of byte arrays into a Flow of parsed JSON objects of a specified type.