Package-level declarations


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fun interface Authorization
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class CustomHttpRequestBuilder(method: HttpMethod, other: HttpRequest.Builder = newBuilder().method(, noBody())) : HttpRequest.Builder

A class that builds HTTP requests with custom features like query parameters and authorization.

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data class ServerSentEvent(val id: String? = null, val event: String? = null, val data: List<String>, val comments: List<String> = listOf())


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val discarding: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<Void>

This is a BodyHandler that discards the HTTP response body.

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val ofByteArray: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<ByteArray>

This is a BodyHandler that handles HTTP response bodies as a ByteArray.

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val ofByteArrayFlow: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<Flow<ByteArray>>

This is a BodyHandler that handles HTTP response bodies as a Flow of ByteArray.

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val ofFlow: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<Flow<ByteBuffer>>

This is a BodyHandler that handles HTTP response bodies as a Flow of ByteBuffer.

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val ofLines: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<Flow<String>>

This is a BodyHandler that handles HTTP response bodies as a Flow of Strings, where each string is a line from the response.

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val ofServerSentEventFlow: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<Flow<ServerSentEvent>>

This is a BodyHandler that parses the HTTP response into ServerSentEvent objects.

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val ofString: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<String>

This is a BodyHandler that handles HTTP response bodies as a String.

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val ofStringFlow: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<Flow<String>>

This is a BodyHandler that handles HTTP response bodies as a Flow of String.


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fun <T> HttpResponse<Flow.Publisher<T>>.bodyAsFlow(): Flow<T>

Converts the body of this HTTP response into a Flow.

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suspend fun <T> HttpClient.coSend(request: HttpRequest, bodyHandler: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>): HttpResponse<T>
suspend fun <T> HttpClient.coSend(bodyHandler: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>, request: suspend () -> HttpRequest): HttpResponse<T>

Sends an HTTP request and returns the HTTP response.

suspend fun <T> HttpRequest.coSend(bodyHandler: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>, client: HttpClient = DefaultHttpClient): HttpResponse<T>

Sends this HTTP request and returns the HTTP response.

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inline fun delete(url: String, f: CustomHttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpRequest

Creates an HTTP DELETE request to the specified URL.

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inline fun get(url: String, f: CustomHttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpRequest

Creates an HTTP GET request to the specified URL.

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inline fun head(url: String, f: CustomHttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpRequest

Creates an HTTP HEAD request to the specified URL.

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fun <T, R> HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>.map(f: (T) -> R): HttpResponse.BodyHandler<R>

This function allows to create a new BodyHandler by transforming the output of the current BodyHandler.

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inline fun options(url: String, f: CustomHttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpRequest

Creates an HTTP OPTIONS request to the specified URL.

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parseAsServerSentEvents parses pieces of string in a stream fashion manner into ServerSentEvent objects. It splits & chunks the flow using the "\n\n" delimiter, which separates different server-sent events in a stream. Once the event is properly parsed, a ServerSentEvent is created and emitted downstream

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inline fun patch(url: String, f: CustomHttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpRequest

Creates an HTTP PATCH request to the specified URL.

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inline fun post(url: String, f: CustomHttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpRequest

Creates an HTTP POST request to the specified URL.

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inline fun put(url: String, f: CustomHttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpRequest

Creates an HTTP PUT request to the specified URL.

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inline fun request(uri: URI, method: HttpMethod, f: CustomHttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpRequest
inline fun request(uri: String, method: HttpMethod, f: CustomHttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpRequest

Creates an HTTP request of the given method type to the specified URL.

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fun <T> Flow<HttpRequest>.sendAndHandle(bodyHandler: HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>, concurrency: Int = 1, httpClient: HttpClient = DefaultHttpClient): Flow<HttpResponse<T>>
fun <T> Flow<HttpRequest>.sendAndHandle(concurrency: Int = 1, httpClient: HttpClient = DefaultHttpClient, handle: CoroutineScope.() -> HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>): Flow<HttpResponse<T>>

Sends each HTTP request in the flow and returns a flow of the HTTP responses.