
interface SesResponse<Resp>

Represents a sealed interface for different types of SES (Simple Email Service) response models. This interface encapsulates various response types after sending emails using AWS SES.

Each class implementing this interface corresponds to a specific type of email sending response, such as responses for raw emails, single emails, single templated emails, and bulk templated emails.



The type of the response object specific to each SES email sending method.



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data class BulkTemplated(val response: <Error class: unknown class>) : SesResponse<<Error class: unknown class>>

Represents the response for a bulk templated email sending request.

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data class Raw(val response: <Error class: unknown class>) : SesResponse<<Error class: unknown class>>

Represents the response for a raw email sending request.

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data class Single(val response: <Error class: unknown class>) : SesResponse<<Error class: unknown class>>

Represents the response for a single email sending request.

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data class SingleTemplated(val response: <Error class: unknown class>) : SesResponse<<Error class: unknown class>>

Represents the response for a single templated email sending request.


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abstract val response: Resp